About me

Hi there! I'm Fernanda, a Brazilian academic living in Australia. Currently, I am a postdoc at the Computational Imaging Group at the University of Queensland, led by Steffen Bollmann. Specifically, I'm working towards more robust deep learning-based solutions for medical imaging tasks to enable their use in clinical settings.

In 2022, I completed my PhD in Computational Imaging at UQ. My PhD work involved predicting the functional organization of the human visual cortex from underlying anatomy using geometric deep learning and investigating individual variability in the retinotopic organization in human brains. To expand this work, I'll join Martin Hebart's lab at Giessen University in Germany as a Marie Curie Fellow.

To tackle this and other research questions, I am leveraging my interdisciplinary background in Biophysics (Bachelor's degree), Neuroscience (Master's degree), and now the intersection of AI and imaging. I am interested in (geometric) deep learning, vision, neuroscience, and explainable and fair AI research.

But life is not all about research, right?! I love moving my body in my free time! I'm a beginner capoeirista, I love hiking, and I'm finding a new passion in weight lifting (it's really cool to see your muscles grow!). Since 2020, I set goals for myself every year, although I don't always achieve them. For example, since 2020, I've tried to read a book each month, and I've read 10 books in 2020, 11 in 2021, 7 in 2022, and 8 in 2023. Maybe 2024 will be the year I will achieve this goal?! Travelling is another great part of my life, and thanks to my academic work/studies, I've been to 13 different countries so far.